The Worlds Most Travelled Man

Mike Spencer Bown – The Worlds Most Travelled Man

A Twenty-Three-Year Odyssey to and through Every Country on the Planet

Mike Spencer Bown has been backpacking non-stop since 1990, and has visited all the world's countries, and quasicountries, on all seven continents. His adventures include being "arrested more times than he can count," hitchhiking throughout countries in a state of war; and hunting with the Mbuti pygmy tribe in the Democratic Republic of Congo while evading genocidal Hutu rebels.

Of the few people who have visited every country on Earth, Mike has been backpacking the longest, travelling light and living out of the same well-worn backpack. Though he calls no single place home, he was raised in Alberta, Canada.

The World's Most Travelled Man:
A Twenty-Three-Year Odyssey to and through Every Country on the Planet
will be available online and in Bookstores in October 2017.